ABO Blood Grouping & Rh Factor

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ABO Blood Grouping and Rh Factor. Understanding your blood type is crucial for various medical purposes, including blood transfusions, organ transplants, and pregnancy. Here, we’ll delve into the eight different blood groups and discuss the importance of knowing your ABO and Rh status.

  • Price: £ 50
  • Code: MLBG

Blood Groups

  • Individuals with A+ blood group have A antigens on the surface of their red blood cells and Rh factor.
  • This blood type is compatible with A+ and AB+.
  • Similar to A+, but lacking the Rh factor.
  • Compatible with A+, A-, AB+, and AB-.
  • Individuals with B+ blood group have B antigens and Rh factor.
  • Compatible with B+ and AB+.
  • Similar to B+, but lacking the Rh factor.
  • Compatible with B+, B-, AB+, and AB-.
  • Individuals with O+ blood group lack A and B antigens but have Rh factor.
  • Compatible with O+ and AB+.
  • Similar to O+, but lacking the Rh factor.
  • Compatible with O+, O-, AB+, and AB-.
  • Individuals with AB+ blood group have both A and B antigens and Rh factor.
  • Universal recipients: Compatible with all blood types (A, B, AB, and O).
  • Similar to AB+, but lacking the Rh factor.
  • Compatible with AB+ and AB-.

Why Knowing Your Blood Type is Important?

Your blood type is crucial for blood transfusions, ensuring compatibility between donor and recipient.

Rh factor plays a vital role during pregnancy, and knowing your Rh status helps prevent complications.

Blood type compatibility is crucial for organ transplants to minimize the risk of rejection.

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